Wisconsin Apartment Association Connecting the Rental Community ... Right Next Door and Across the State.

WAA News is the newsletter of the Wisconsin Apartment Association.
WAA News is e-Published bi-monthly in January, March, May, July, September, and November.
WAA News is also available in printed magazine format mailed to subscribers for $35 per year.

DEADLINE: Copy deadline is the 3rd of the month of publication (i.e. January 3, for Jan/Feb issue, etc.)
CIRCULATION: WAA News e-Circulation includes current, past, and lifetime members, associates, contributors, municipal agencies, friends and supporters throughout Wisconsin and the Midwest. Each issue is archived and available in the Newsletters & Archives at WAAonline.org for future reference. Additionally, circulation includes many glossy printed copies that are mailed to subscribers (for $35 per year).

Click here for the WAA News Advertising Rates

Please contact Wisconsin Apartment Association at 920-230-9221 or admin@waaonline.org for questions or to place your ad.